國立陽明交通大學培育頂尖人才,其豐富多元的前瞻技術研發更使我國半導體及相關科技產業在全球居領先地位。近年新冠肺炎及各國地緣政治衝突為世界帶來巨大改變,也加速半導體的技術加速轉型,伴隨而來的是自基層而上的大量人才需求。陽明交大有感於全球科技產業的質變與量變,深刻理解到除專業頂尖人才的培育外,更需培養普及化的科技人才。本學程之課程發展重點即依據此方針執行,課程內容以電機及光電領域的經典專業科目為主,透過深入淺出的教學以引導學生提升專業科技素養及專業能力。 特色是以科學學理為基礎,以科技應用為訓練;結合學理與應用,培養學生多元、學理與實作並重的能力。以校內既有師資並結合企業資源,同培育STEM領域人才,增加跨領域人才培育量並即時接軌產業。
Taiwan’s semiconductor industry has achieved a significant global standing due to decades of relentless efforts by its people. Recent events such as the US-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russia-Ukraine war have underscored the strategic importance of semiconductor technology, influencing geopolitical relations worldwide. To maintain our country’s technological leadership, higher education must address the industry’s talent needs. The semiconductor sector is highly specialized, with complex operations rooted in fundamental scientific principles. For non-STEM students, acquiring relevant knowledge can pave the way for careers in the tech industry. Our program’s curriculum, focusing on semiconductor and optoelectronic technology, aims to equip non-STEM students with the necessary expertise to enter the tech field or pursue further studies in engineering.
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) is committed to cultivating top talent, contributing to Taiwan’s leading position in the global semiconductor and related technology industries. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts have accelerated technological transformations in the semiconductor field, creating a surge in talent demand. Recognizing these changes, NYCU emphasizes the need to train not only top-tier professionals but also a broad base of technological talent. Our program’s curriculum focuses on classic subjects in electrical engineering and optoelectronics, employing accessible teaching methods to enhance students’ professional skills. The program integrates scientific theory with practical application, fostering versatile skills that balance theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. Utilizing existing faculty and industry resources, we aim to increase cross-disciplinary talent cultivation and align education with industry needs.