本學程之課程發展重點在培養普及化的科技人才,課程內容以電機及光電領域的經典專業科目為主,透過深入淺出的教學以引導學生提升專業科技素養及專業能力;課程特色是以科學學理為基礎,以科技應用為訓練;結合學理與應用,培養學生多元、學理與實作並重的能力。 本學程之課程包含三部分:基礎學科、專業學科、實作術科。基礎學科的教學目標在於讓非理工背景學生,嘗試以數學輔以電腦程式模擬去理解科學,建立基礎科學素養;專業學科則著重在讓學生學習學理知識及相關應用;實作術科的教學目標在於讓學生透過實驗學習實作操作、整理數據、分析討論。

The focus of this curriculum development is on cultivating accessible tech talent. It primarily covers classic subjects in electrical engineering and optoelectronics, employing clear and concise teaching methods to enhance students’ professional and technical literacy. The curriculum emphasizes a foundation in scientific principles with practical technological applications, aiming to integrate theory and practice to develop students’ diverse skills in both theoretical understanding and hands-on experience. The program consists of three parts: foundational subjects aimed at non-STEM students using math and computer simulations to grasp scientific concepts, professional subjects focusing on theoretical knowledge and practical applications, and practical skills training through experiments to enhance data organization, analysis, and discussion abilities.